Coupar Ltd

Coupar Angus BESS – Consultation

Our Proposals

Our Proposal for Coupar Angus BESS Site

We propose expanding the storage capacity at Coupar Angus by adding 144 battery units, all of which will be located within the existing site boundary. Adding more batteries will not significantly change the overall layout of the site, or have any significant impact on local communities. Within the site, we will reduce the road width from 6m to 2.5m to allow for additional plinths to house the new batteries.

Site Location Plan

Site Location zoom

FLM Layout

General Layout Plan

General Extension Layour Plan

VP1 - Residential North of Site

VP2 - Residential North of Site

VP3 - Pleasance Road

VP4 - Pleasance Road

VP5 - A94 North of Site

VP6 - A94 South West of Site

VP7 - Pleasance Road South East of Site

Reports and Mitigation

We have worked with Perth and Kinross Council to undertake and update the required assessments. All reports will be available for the public to view on the council website following submission of the application.

The following reports have been provided:

  • Updated Flood Risk Assessment
  • Updated Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
  • Updated Land And Visual Impact Assessment
  • Updated Noise Assessment
  • Construction and Traffic Management Plan

As we are not expanding the site, no further mitigation is required and we will continue to monitor the current planing scheme.

Construction traffic

Construction and movement of goods will follow the consented Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) already approved by Perth and Kinross Council for the original application. This will be provided with the new planning application.


We conducted a noise assessment for the 144 additional battery units, which will be submitted with our planning application. The noise rating for the existing batteries is 13. The addition of the new batteries will increase the noise rating to 15. This is below the maximum noise rating of 20 set by Perth and Kinross Council for residential properties with windows open. Outside noise is predicted to increase from 31.6 decibels to 32.3 decibels. This is also compliant with Perth and Kinross Council’s requirements, as it sets a limit of 33 decibels. The full noise report will be available to view on the Perth and Kinross Council planning portal, once the application has been validated.

Safety and security

The Coupar Angus BESS site has a range of safety and security features. Each battery is self-contained and placed on plinths to keep them off the ground. CCTV monitors the site 24 hours a day. The site has a fire plan, fire log and fire risk assessment.

  • Monthly function tests of claxons and fire horns are carried out by METKA EGN, a leading global industrial and energy company.
  • Each year a full discharge test is carried out by a person qualified in the appropriate standards and manufacturers’ recommendations.


We updated our preliminary ecological appraisal and this will be submitted with our planning application. The site is of low ecological value, with no evidence of protected species. Habitats of greater ecological importance, like scattered woodland and scrub, are found outside the site. Our updated appraisal concluded that we don’t need to make any further changes to what was agreed with the planning application for the original site.

Landscape and visual

Our assessment showed that additional batteries are not predicted to significantly impact how the landscape looks to the public, or how it functions.