Coupar Ltd

Coupar Angus BESS – Consultation


Your feedback and views are important to the project

We welcome your feedback on the proposals, and invite you to view the proposals online. We are also holding two in-person drop-in events, which we encourage you to attend where you can view the proposals, fill out a feedback form, ask the team questions. Both events will be held at the Red House Hotel, Station Road, Coupar Angus, Blairgowrie, PH13 9AL. The events will take place on:

  • Tuesday 14th November 2023, 4pm to 7pm
  • Tuesday 28th November 2023, 4pm to 7pm.


Providing your feedback

Please complete the downloadable feedback form and return it via email, or at one of our in-person events. All comments must be submitted by 27 December 2023.
